When I was a teenager I was fascinated by Astrology. I spent so much time day after day in school learning about amino acids and stoichiometry (ha, remember that?) and centripetal force that my head spun and I welcomed a little mysticism in my life. I bought a thick book -- I wish I remembered the name -- that had a whole page dedicated to each of the 366 possible birthdays and what it predicts about your personality and personal relationships. It told you what birthdays would yield good (and disastrous!) matches for friends and significant others. I remember looking up the birthdays of boys I liked to see what the book had to say about our hypothetical relationship...just for fun, of course.
I was excited to revisit this all over again for the first time in a long time. And now I want to go find that book, too...
Meet my sponsor, Stephanie from Astroloetry!

I am a writer. I am not an astrologer by nature, but I love Astrology and psychic phenomenon. I combined the words Astrology and poetry together to trademark my company: ASTROLOETRY as a trademarked name. I have created a tangible form of art with my writing now into one beautiful gift for your favorite child or baby! Each poem is custom written from the child's astrological chart with no two exactly alike! I have always been a big believer in following our own identity as our own unique individuals. I create poems to enlighten those beliefs with a positive outlook on your child's wonderful future indeed!
For my Astroloetry poems I use highly specific software to guide me through the process where I get very detailed info about the person and interpret the specifics to create the poem. Most professional astrologers today use software.
Tell us how you got started
Tell us how you got started
I am psychic with myself and a handful of the absolute closet people to me. I created Astroloetry after a psychic vision I had about my little nephew's future. I hired a calligrapher and wrote it up as a poem on cardstock paper and framed it and gave it to him for his 1st birthday. Everyone loved it so much I decided I should maybe start a business around it. Yet, I knew I wouldn't be able to do so on a mass scale because as I said, I can only predict things for those absolutely closest to me. So, I decided to use astrology as my means to do so since I could interpret their futures through their birth date and chart through the aid of software. And just so you know, my predictions about my nephew are already coming true!!!

I try to help people see the best in themselves because most often we are our own worst critics. Although they are a gift for babies and young children, I hope people keep them throughout their lives to reflect back on for hope.
Stephanie crafted a poem for Aurelia based on her birthdate (September 23rd, 2012) and sign - Libra. The canvas is beautiful and from what we have seen so far of her budding personality, it's so perfect! It fits her better than I could have imagined.
Seems like she has a bright future, no? Every time I read the poem I get a little teary-eyed thinking about the person Aurelia will become one day. Will these post-partum hormones ever go away? ;)
From now until August 22nd, the first person to purchase a canvas print who mentions Growing Up Geeky in the notes section at checkout will receive another print free! Be sure to provide all the information for the first child in your order, and Stephanie will contact you personally to get the info for the 2nd print.
P.S. It's funny that Aurelia and Mike share a sign, and Carina and I do as well (Capricorn). Aurelia was born 6 days before Mike's birthday, and Carina was born 6 days before mine. We wonder which family member our future babies will be born 6 days before ;)