Since Carina seems to be obsessed, let's talk about boobs.
When I'm engorged, she'll look at me and say "Mommy has big boobs!" Ha, it's the only time I have big boobs ;)
While romping, she often elbows me in the boobs to which I reply, "ow!! My boobs!" She has begun repeating this when she falls down or gets bumped. Hearing a 2 year old yelp, "owww boobs!" makes my day. Every time.
I don't pump at home very often, but when I do, she is intrigued. She stands next to me, watches, and exclaims, "Mommy pumping!" A few times now she has climbed up on the couch after I finish, put her hands on my chest and pushed on one boob, and then the other...over and over again. "Mommy pumping!" I guess she thinks she's my manual pump?
Got any toddler boob talk to share? ;)