Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Up a size

When your child has been diagnosed with Failure to Thrive, noticing that she is outgrowing her clothes brings a sigh of relief, a sense of triumph, and maybe even a smug "I told you so" -- directed at her pushy doctors, of course.

After wearing teeny tiny size 18 Month pants for over a year, she blew through size 24 Months and now her 2T pairs are even too short. Thank goodness for elastic waistbands. She has slowly begun to fill out her tops, outgrowing many of her 2T sized ones as well. I can't believe I'm buying size 3T for my little girl. Sure, they might be a little long, but she'll grow into them.

24 Months sweatshirt? Way too short!
Here we go 3T!
She's hit 35 inches and is approaching 26 lbs. To think that this time last year she weight about the same as Aurelia does now is mind boggling. We have come such a long way.

Her Failure to Thrive diagnosis and the subsequent testing and constant shoving food at her was one of the hardest things I've had to manage, and I know she was so frustrated, too :( 

I hope and pray that her growth continues.

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You know 24months and 2T are essentially the same size right?
4 replies · active 621 weeks ago
Actually they're not. Or, at least not any of the brands of clothes we buy - Carter's, Old Navy, Gymboree, Children's Place etc. The 24 Months are definitely smaller/shorter than 2T. But she's in 3T now, so that all doesn't really matter :)
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Mamaof3boys's avatar

Mamaof3boys · 621 weeks ago

Nope, actually they're not. One of my twins is in 24 month and one is in 2T. The sizing is indeed different.
I didn't know there was a difference. I've got a few years (hopefully) before getting to that point though.
My recent post 16 weeks down
Great news!! She is doing great. Huge sigh of relief for you, I'm sure.
My recent post weigh to go: 3 months in
It's so weird to me how doctor's vary so much in opinions. My Mason is nearly a year older than Carina and he JUST grew out of size 18 month stuff in the last month or two and is now struggling to fill the waist band on 2T pants. Yet, my doctor has never been at all concerned about his size or his growth.

That being said, YAY for growing and I'm glad that you've got "proof" that your sweetie is as "normal" as can be :)
2 replies · active 621 weeks ago
So many parents with kids Carina's size (or smaller) have told me that their doctors never batted an eye at their size. I don't know why they're so concerned about it here. I wish we had resisted a little more last summer/fall. There's no reason she needed to have 6+ blood draws to figure this all out.
My recent post Two down, just one to go
I was going to say the same thing - Caroline wore an 18 months sized dress yesterday and is almost the exact same age as Carina. I even mentioned her smallness to the doctor once and he said "She looks totally fine to me!" It's such a shame you had to go through so much but I'm so glad she's doing great!
Way to go, Carina!! I find there to be a definite difference between 24 month and 2T clothing. Nora is also in 2T bottoms and 3T tops these days (in most brands).
Yay Carina! It's great she's finally going up in clothes - I'm waiting for my peanut to do the same.

My Sophie, also dx as FTT, is still in 18 month stuff in the waist, but her shirts are getting too short, and thank goodness for warmer weather that she can wear skirts and shorts and it doesn't matter that all of her pants are super high waters. Pulled a 24 month pair on her, and even those are too short!
1 reply · active 621 weeks ago
Yes! I am also excited for skirts/shorts. More places need to make elastic waistbands for toddlers ;)
My recent post And not even 30 hours later...
She seems to have gotten back on track now :). She's about the size of Tristan at 1 and a half now. He's in 5t, some 4t jeans and boys 4/5s at 3. And then Emmett is so much smaller than he was at 6 months. They're such polar opposites.
My recent post 6 months
aw yay!!!!!! P is long so 24m and 2t are OK in length but she is stil about 23 lbs so she loses her pants all the time....I'm at a loss with what to do about her clothes...for now we're sticking to a lot of leggings and dresses with tights.
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Mamaof3boys's avatar

Mamaof3boys · 621 weeks ago

Yay! I'm so glad that she is progressing so well. Be proud of her and of yourself!!
Glad it's going well! Joseph is still in 24 months pants and we're just moving him to 2T. The waist is too big, but the length in 24m is too short!
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1 reply · active 621 weeks ago
This is us exactly! And 24 month shirts are way too short! It needs to be warmer so that we don't have to worry about pants...shorts and skirts all the way!
Having dealt with pediatricians at my old job, I think that sometimes theywere way too quick to jump to a ftt diagnosis, while other times it was a struggle to get one when it was really needed so that we could provide more services.
krista-armywifestyle's avatar

krista-armywifestyle · 621 weeks ago

how big is she now? 2T is still hanging off Karina! but she needs 3 and 4T for the length. blah. My little string bean. We really like oshkosh for jeans with the pull waist thing.
So glad that you don't have to worry about Carina's size as much anymore!!
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Yeah! This is such a happy post!!
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Yay, Carina! =)
Woot! Grow Carina, grow! Some girls are just petite! Lynley is 6 months old and still fits in some newborn pants, granted they are more like capri pants on her lengthwise now, but the booty and waist still fits! Her brother is two sizes bigger!
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So glad the Failure to Thrive isn't a worry anymore :) My almost 3 year old son (who is almost exactly the same size as Carina is now) was never formally diagnosed with it, but he HATED eating from the time he was born. When he was 2, he stopped eating almost entirely for about 9 months and lost a considerable amount of weight. Tons of tests later, and the pediatrician admits that nothing is actually wrong with him. I tell you though, when he started eating again, he made up for lost time! Now, he eats more than I do, lol. He's still a tall skinny little guy, but he's finally growing again!
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2 replies · active 620 weeks ago
He stopped eating almost entirely for 9 months? OMG! How scary and frustrating that must have been for you :(
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Yeah, he would literally scream when I put a plate of food in front of him. It was rough! We couldn't even get him interested in candy, cookies, or the usual "kid" foods.
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Wow! What a jump! I think we're still waiting for a growth spurt... Clara's in 2T mostly now, but her legs are short, her torso is long and she must be a small build - T-shirts are either too short (2T) or WAY too lose in the shoulders (3T).. and she must have stubby legs because even 2T is mostly too long so she's still in 24 month pants sometimes. And our girls will be close in size too - I think Audrey might wear this summer what Clara wore last summer!
Weight mostly in our case, but they said it wouldn't have been as big of a deal if she was growing taller, so I guess height factored into it, too. They never mentioned head size. Interesting.
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Hooray for growing! I remember strongly encouraging V to eat. She too reached the average size for her age when she was 3 yrs old. She is still thin, but I know some of it is genetic.

The best is adjustable waist jeans. I think they start at 2T.

I hope Carina continues to grow and is healthy.
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1 reply · active 621 weeks ago
Yes! Adjustable waist jeans are the best invention!
My recent post Two down, just one to go
Coming from a mom of a 2yr old who is in the 3rd percentile, I know how you feel!! My personal response to EVERYONE who comments on his size or shows concerns is, "Well, someone has to be in the 3rd percentile. Otherwise it wouldn't exist." (this confuses many). We've been lucky to have doctors who UNDERSTAND this as basic math and have instead followed developmental milestones, tracking along the percentile and not falling off etc. I don't know what I would have done had it been ther other way and I had been made to question my breast milk etc. So ROCK ON with your (little) big girl and realize in this country obesity is more the worry, not being too small, right?? She'll be fine!
1 reply · active 621 weeks ago
RIGHT!?? Someone has to be at the bottom!
My recent post And not even 30 hours later...
I am a mama to a tiny girl too. It doesn't bother me or her doctor, but random people seemed concerned and surprised that she is 2.5. Petite girls are cute. :) So glad FTT isn't a concern at all for Carina anymore.
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Yay! I am so glad that is off your mind!
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Yay!! Congrats & good job Carina!
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Praying :)
She is adorable

Erica Dee http://erica-dee.blogspot.com
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I'm so glad she's doing so well!
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