Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Projects lately

Last night I was going to blog about how the new job was going, but it would have been whiny and depressing so I figured I'd give it another few days before sharing -- with the hope that it would get better. I'm glad I did; today was great. Still, I'm going to wait until the weekend before I pass any sort of judgment on my time so far.

So what have we been up to lately? Preparing for my new job and doing a few things around the house that we've been wanting to do for quite some time now.

First, we succumbed to the Minivan. On Saturday we test drove and bought a 2013 Dodge Grand Caravan. It's enormous, and I feel like I'm driving a boat but I've never been more in love. Carina calls it the "family van" and loves riding in it. I can't believe how much storage space we have and did I mention the back row folds backwards into tailgate seats? Yeah, that.

Before bed, we read the girls a few books. We like to all sit together for story time so we set up a little reading corner in their room. It's nothing fancy, but Carina loves it.


Every night Carina picks one story, and then Aurelia picks another. Until she can select her own, I'm her book choosing proxy ;) I was looking for a way to display the books in such a way that Carina could see the pictures and titles on the front, and was so excited to receive a complementary Canvas Bookcase from Personal Creations.  

Our white bookcase with pastel canvas pockets is made of sturdy wood composite. It measures 28"H x 25"L x 12”W and can be embroidered with any name up to 10 characters. Since Carina has so many personalized items already, this one's Aurelia's. It's adorable and only took me about 15 minutes to assemble all by myself. It fits many more books than I thought it would, and Carina loves looking through them all before selecting her bedtime story. When we move someday and the girls each have their own rooms, we plan on getting another for Carina.

Now that the girls share a room we're realizing that there isn't nearly enough space for their clothes. And due to my slight (okay, not slight) addiction to buying them clothes, we've got overflowing drawers. So I hung up a canvas shelving unit in their closet for all of their pants, skirts, and shorts (come on, Summer!) and a shoe organizer for all of their tiny little soles.

Ignore the mess around the organized shelves ;)
Both of the girls' shoes fit in one pouch of this adult shoe organizer. Perfect.

Beer. After spilling a great deal of it, Mike {with a little help from me} finally bottled it. We tried the first one tonight and it was GOOD. Like, it actually tastes like beer; I'm a bit surprised to be honest. We plan on heading over to the home brew store in town and buying a few more kits. We'd love to brew on a larger scale once we have our own home.

Oh, and lots of Spring cleaning. We have too many baby clothes. My closet is full of tops that no matter how badly I will them to fit me again, they just won't. That's what 2 babies will do to you, I guess. Although I'm not sure that flowery halters are a good look for anyone anymore. And Mike has T-shirts from 1997 that NEED to be thrown out. You hear me, Mike? TRASH. Or donate. Although I'm not sure anyone would want your Middle School musical T-shirts with holey pits. Sorry, babe.

P.S. I've rounded up a bunch of cloth diapers that aren't our favorites, so if anyone is looking for some gently used ones (mostly Fuzzibunz, but a few others, too) shoot me an e-mail.

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