Four years ago today I married my mad scientist.
Today we celebrate. We celebrate our love, our two beautiful girls, and our accomplishments. The last four years have brought us immeasurable joy, but quite a bit to overcome as well. The stress of completing Mike's doctorate, a move half-way across the country, Carina's Failure to Thrive, and my anxiety, to name a few.

But today, we also celebrate all there is to come: our girls growing, adding to our family (as we both agree that it isn't complete yet), and in about two years -- when Mike is finished with his Post-Doc here -- we'll be moving somewhere else to {hopefully} settle. In our immediate future, I begin working on Monday. After more than 18 Months as a stay-at-home Mom I'll be reentering the workforce. Eeek! As nervous as I am, this means great things for our family. But more on that this weekend... :)
One of my favorite things about blogging is the ability to go back and read what I was feeling on any given day in the past. While I didn't start this blog until a few months after our wedding, I did chronicle our anniversary each year (and I went back and posted some wedding photos more recently). Reading through these milestones makes me smile and thank God for Mike, and for all of our blessings.