Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Not another girl

While bathing Aurelia today, her chubby arms flailed about as she giggled and splashed water everywhere. Carina hated baths when she was a baby. The rare times she didn't scream from beginning to end, she would at the very least pitch an epic fit as soon as I removed her from the tub, unceasing until she was fully clothed and nursing.

In this and many other things, Aurelia and Carina have proven to be very different. Carina cried and fussed quite often when she was a newborn. Aurelia has been pretty chill and relaxed. Carina was babbling, yelling, laughing, and squealing constantly at this age. Aurelia does a little, but is mostly pretty quiet. Carina would nurse for 30-45 minutes at a time while speed demon Aurelia needs 10 minutes tops on a slow day.

I'm sure these are just the beginnings of the differences between our two girls and there is no doubt that we will see many others emerge as they grow and develop. I know it's just semantics, but when we found out that Aurelia was a girl I was careful not to say that we were having another girl. Maybe it's completely in my head, but whenever I see or hear someone state that they are having "another" of either sex I read it as if it is laced with a twinge of disappointment. I wanted to be sure it never came off that way in our case, as I couldn't have been more excited that Aurelia was a girl.

Even though we have two girls, they are nowhere near carbon copies of each other, and are becoming more different by the day. Aurelia just isn't another Carina.

Here's to my not another girl.

If you have multiple children of the same sex, how similar or different are they?

P.S. This might win for lamest post ever. I blame the two beers I just downed while watching Villanova beat #5 Georgetown. And maybe I'll I go grab another...muhahaha

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Aurelia is SO cute! That's one thing she and Carina have in common. :)
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1 reply · active 627 weeks ago
Xander and Noah are very different in many ways. Even though Noah is 2 years younger he is the daredevil. The child that tries to defeat gravity all the time. Xander never went through the climbing stage and still is timid. Noah is always up to try out new activities including rides. Xander isn't even interested in riding a slow moving kids train at the mall. On the other side Noah is much more snuggly as a two year old than Xander ever was. I hope that sticks with him but we will see. I have to hog tie down Xander to get him to snuggle with me. It's fun to watch the two and see how different they are. Not a lame post and enjoy a beer for me! :)
I can't believe how big she is getting! My kids were night and day, and to this day, still are!!! Both kids are so cute! xo
My recent post Green Giant Does Veggie Chips!!! And a Surprise! #AGiantSuprise #spon
I have three girls ages 10, 8, & 5. They are all extremely different from each other. The oldest is the reader & scientist. She is very stoic and can't wait to be older. The middle is the wild child - always in motion, loud, silly - and would much prefer math to reading. The youngest is my little princess - the more pink and ruffles and swirls, the better! She hates bugs or being dirty. It really is amazing how three children of the same gender, raised in the same home can be so incredibly different!
My recent post Busy, Busy
1 reply · active 627 weeks ago
Absolutely. My sisters and I are close to your age spread and we were so different, too!
My recent post The husband's new hobby
Not a lame post at all! I have two beautiful girls! While you can tell they are sisters they definitely are not the same person. Each baby is his or her own individual. M will be 6 months old on Friday (OMG!) Her little personality is really shining through.

While M seems more laid back and relaxed, I also think that I am more laid back and relaxed now, more experienced ;)
My recent post Look But Do Not Touch
I like this post too. We have 2 boys and like Mindi's, our oldest is less the risk-taker. Was never a climber. Much more interested in books early on, loves tv. The younger one is the opposite in all those ways. But with that being said, the younger wants to be where his older bro is all the time. He never really played with infant toys because he only wants to play what his brother plays with. I do see similarities but they are each very much their own little men!
My recent post weigh to go: 2 months in
The picture was adorable! That means the post can't possibly be lame since it made me happy to see it!
Tristan as a baby was long, chubby, and quiet as can be. That boy flew through clothes sizes and now at 3 is in 5t and boys 4/5 clothes. Emmett so far is long and chubby but with short legs while Tristan's were long, and he is loud and talkative. I swear people down the street might hear him sometimes when he coos. He is always constantly smiling, cooing, and flailing about while Tristan was very calm and quiet. Also appearance wise besides the chubby cuteness, Tristan has tons of hair... it's ridiculous how much hair that kid has and people wonder why I keep it short now and Emmett has very fine, barely there hair that is becoming blonder each day. However I'm hoping Emmett does not have mine or his dad's attitudes or tempers because Tristan is already just like me and I don't know if I could handle him being like his dad :).
My recent post 4 months!
I hear ya. Thanks for pointing it out. I said another girl but that's all we wanted. No joke, both DH and I only wanted 3 girls so we were over the top and just said it that way I guess.
1 reply · active 627 weeks ago
Oh friend, like I said, it's probably all in my head! I ;)
My recent post Aurelia - 5 Months
Aw so cute. I am have ANOTHER girl :) no disappointment :)
My recent post {kinda} Wordless Wednesday, the Naples Zoo
Love that picture. I only have one girl but I am one of 3 sisters. We are nothing a like - for sure!
My recent post Payton's Wishlist
She's adorable!!!
My two girls are completely different! The only thing they really have in common is the fact that they both sleep really well.
I'm torn with what I'm hoping this baby will be. I would love to have *another* girl because they are so much fun, but I would also love to give my son a brother! Either way, he/she will be so loved and completely awesome!
My recent post Snow Much Fun!
Oh and I am 1 of 7 girls and we are nothing alike!!!
My recent post Snow Much Fun!
Brigham and Landon were VERY different babies! I mean, night and day.
When I say we had 'another' girl, I say it with complete joy and pride - I couldn't be happier! But I totally get what you mean... In some ways our girls are the same - both speed eaters, and they look almost identical - but in some ways they are so different! Clara was more fussy, and Audrey is laid back and content with anything... I also don't remember Clara babbling nearly as much as Audrey does now! I'm so curious to see them change as they grow, and how alike/different they'll be!
My recent post Toddler Bikes
My girls are pretty different, too. Most notably, Shelby was a chunker (20.5 lbs. at 9 mos. old), whereas Natasha had just broken the 17 lb. mark by 9 months. But it goes beyond the physical. I'm so glad they're their own little people!
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I have three beautiful girls and its very similar in the habits, but emocional its diferent every girl have their personality very strong
My recent post Roupinhas de bebe bem extravagantes
My two girls are 5 years old and 5 months, but I can already see many differences in them. My oldest was a fussy, needy baby and has always been a drama queen. My youngest is laid back, happy, content, and nothing seems to phase her much. I hope she stays that way because I don't know if I could handle TWO little girls like my older one, LOL
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I have 4 girls, all different. Even my identical twin girls are complete opposites.
I was once upon a time a lurker at the bump January 2011 mommas group, then migrated over to the facebook group (as one of the many Melissa's) until the downsizing after the screen shot controversy. Haha :) I have enjoyed faithfully following your blog and don't comment very often, if at all. Anyways, this post is one that I am going to remember for a long while. I never thought about using the word 'another' in terms of additional children with the same gender. I will definitely take this information to heart. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the topic, I don't think this was a lame post at all and just wanted to spend the minute letting you know.
1 reply · active 627 weeks ago
Hi Melissa! It's nice to hear from you, and glad to hear you still read the blog!
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