Monday, December 17, 2012

My Challenge to 2012: Verdict is in

Last year I dared 2012 to top 2011. And? It did.

The year began with us getting settled in back on the East Coast. Visiting our families no longer required two flights and eight hours of traveling from start to finish.

January 2012

It wasn't long before we received some surprising yet much welcomed news

4 weeks pregnant - check out that bloat!
Then Carina started walking. Life would never be the same ;)

My Father-in-law beat cancer.

We vacationed with both of our families over the summer.

In VA Beach with Mike's family
I did something for myself for the first time in a long long time; I went to BlogHer in New York City. I had an amazing time.
Bloggy friends, everywhere!
On September 23rd, I took my "due date" photo with Carina. 12 hours later, Aurelia was born.

And wow, has she grown. Born at 7 lbs. 3 oz, she is now tipping the scales at 15.5 lbs.
Carina has grown, too. And nope, I definitely did not ugly cry while putting the below collage together. Nope, no ::sob:: tears here.
January                                                       April                                                       July
September                                                  December
While the year hasn't been without its challenges, namely Carina's failure to thrive diagnosis and my recent bout with post-partum anxiety, on the whole, it has been our best yet.

Can't wait to see what 2013 brings.

This week's Toddle Along Tuesday co-host is Ainslie from Mammarazzi and topic is Year in Review! What big things happened in your family this year? Share some of your favorite photos! There are no rules here, except that you link up a relevant post (old or new) rather than your whole blog.

I'll be taking a TAT break until January 7th. The topic that day will be favorite holiday gift. Share your favorite or your child's favorite!
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