Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas recap & why we won't be going to Church for a while

We spent Christmas with my family in Massachusetts this year, and had such a wonderful time. My two sisters and I have a total of five kids ages 4 and under so it was a ton of fun, and just a bit crazy, as I'm sure you can imagine ;)

Here are some of my favorite photos:
Trying to get a cute matching jammies photo - no dice
Aurelia was not a fan of the little hood
Carina pretending to be a shepherd
Our best family photo
My little elf on Christmas morning
Carina putting her doll's crown on her head, "I'm a princess!"
Playing with her kitchen! Her Christmas gift from her Mimi (my Mom)
My tiny present
I wish I knew what she was doing?
Fun with Daddy-doo
Playing with her cousins
A classic Carina face
Christmas Eve Mass was fun. And by fun I mean hilariously awful. As soon as we arrived Carina started pitching a fit because we wouldn't allow her to leave the pew to run to the altar and consort with baby Jesus, Mary & Joseph, and the wise men. Shortly thereafter the choir started singing so we were able to distract her by encouraging her to sing along. After the Christmas Carol ended, she yelled loudly, "all done song!" 

I reminded her for the tenth time that we have to be quiet in Church, to which she replied resoundingly to the ladies in the pew behind us, "be quiet in Church!" ::facepalm:: They just laughed.

Then she farted audibly and the point that those ladies behind us were fanning their hands and rolling their eyes. Not wanting to miss out on the passing gas party, Aurelia joined in and I felt a warm "pop pop pop pop pop" on my leg. Containing my laughter was just not possible.

After all was said and done Mike ended up retreating to the vestibule on three separate occasions. First with a tantruming Carina, then an inconsolable overtired Aurelia, and finally a defiant Carina, once again. The people in the last pew gave Mike a "we've been there" smile, which he appreciated so much. Carina's response to the closing song? "Sing it again!"      

I couldn't tell you what any of the readings or homily were about, and I'm pretty sure I didn't get the chance to sing a single verse of "Joy to the World". Because of all of the above the service was stressful and frustrating, but fortunately we can laugh about it now. Please don't tell God that we might sit Mass out for a little while, at least until I get my anxiety under control...

How were your holidays?

P.S. Toddle Along Tuesday will return next week with a topic of Favorite Holiday Gift. Now that all the gifts have been unwrapped, which has proven to be your child's favorite? (and/or yours!)

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Great post!

Oh MAN, I couldn't imagine bringing the girls to chruch! Eek!
My recent post Oh Baby, Lucas
Hysterical and exhausting. At least you lived to tell about it and can tell the girls when they are older.
My recent post Christmas Morning
This sounds just like us at church. We now bring the iPad and headphones for Claire to watch a movie or play games. Natalie however won't sit still so one of us inevitably end up in the atrium chasing her around. I hope you had a great Christmas! Your girls are such dolls, Carina's expressions are priceless!
My recent post Top Five Saturday Laughs :: 12.1.12
1 reply · active 634 weeks ago
Thanks, Momma! We did, I hope you did too :)
My recent post Mommy's First Panic Attack
Sounds like a good buy crazy Christmas. Sounds just like us!
Laughing because our Christmas Eve service went pretty much the same way.
Wow, this made me laugh out loud! My husband runs the sound booth at our church, so I have to be alone with both girls! Luckily we have about a million teenaged girls in our church who ADORE both girls and routinely whisk them away so I can usually spend the service kind of relaxing! I'd send some of the teens over your way if I could!
My recent post At The End of the Year
1 reply · active 634 weeks ago
Every now and then Mike plays the oboe at Mass, but not since Aurelia was born has he done it when we don't have someone else to help with the girls. I can't imagine!
My recent post Nativity Boogie
Honestly, popping/farting and tantrums have been going on in church's since the beginning of church... Don' t worry momma! Old women will be old women- they make a big deal about everything. The only way I would have been offended was if you we're on your cell phone, or talking to your hubby about dinner. Everything else, IMO, is fair game.

My recent post Claire's Baptism
This sounds just like our last experience at church! Bailey had the worst smelling BM ever right in the middle of the service which Tyler found neccessary to exlaim "EWWWW Bailey stinks!" What made it worse, this minister tells every parent that trys to get up to take their kids out to have a seat because they aren't bothering anyone. So there we sat, stinking up the entire church...
My recent post Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 12-29-12
1 reply · active 634 weeks ago
Oh man! I love that your minister says that, though. That's great. The eyerolls and huffs we received were not quite as welcoming ;)
My recent post Carina's Personal Stylists
We go to mass every weekend with our 2 1/2 year old and 5 month old!! Sometimes I wonder is it worth it, but then I remember yes it is and it does get better -- they get better. Too bad we couldn't do it together. At least we could hang on to eachother for support (physical and mental). Keep going, it does get better.
Good for you for taking them though! Carina is juuuuuuuust about at the right age (especially and typically for girls) that she'll really start to get the whole "sit still and be quiet" for church thing.
1 reply · active 634 weeks ago
Love love love all these pictures! Your girls have the best wardrobe. And Carina is one lucky lady, my adult kitchen isn't as nice as her toy one, haha!!! (Also, I haven't been to church since Joseph's baptism. Last December. *cringe*) OH and I just tweeted asking for details on next week's TAT but....if I had read this post first my question would have been answered ;)
My recent post Happy New Year!

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