Monday, November 19, 2012

Typical Middle Child over here

At only 23 months and {almost} 2 months (yikes - can you believe Aurelia will be 2 months old on the 23rd?) it's not likely that we'll see any effects of our children's birth order on their personalities any time soon. It will certainly be something that lingers in the back of my mind, though, as my sisters and  I seem to be the poster children for birth order theories and philosophies.

It might be important to explain that for more than half of my life I was one of 4. My eldest sister Shannyn (Carina's middle namesake) was my Dad's daughter and she was 13 years older than me. She lived with her Mother but spent time with us on the weekends quite often when we were young. When I was 5 she went off to college and we didn't see much of her for a long time, which is something I'll always regret. She passed away after a medical mistake back in 2001. That's a story for another day, though. These post-partum hormones are making me too emotional to relive that all again.

Anyway, because she was so much older and we only saw her periodically, she was more like a cool aunt (at least to me). We didn't have the normal sister relationship which so often includes yelling, fighting, tattling, the silent treatment, grudges, resentment, and so on at some point while you're living under one roof. If you didn't experience any of those joys of sisterhood? I'm truly jealous, or you're lying ;)

Jessica, Shannyn, Amanda, and me. Be jealous of my AWESOME hair.
My sister Amanda is just 15 months older than me, and Jessica is 2 1/2  years younger. I won't go into details (since I know they read my blog periodically), I'll simply say that they exemplify the typical "oldest child" and "youngest child" quite well. LOVE YOU, ladies.

And me? I'm definitely a middle child. Growing up I often felt left out and tried my best to blend in rather than make waves. To this day, when I'm with friends I often feel like I don't belong. The worst part: every now and then I wonder if some of you out there read this blog just to make fun of me or feel better about yourselves. If it's not already painfully obvious - I'm insecure.

{I'm going to preface this with an apology to my family members. I hope you can forgive my feelings here.} I think my insecurities largely stem from the fact that I don't feel like I received as much attention as my sisters when I was young. They commanded a lot of the negative kind from my parents and there just wasn't much time left for me. I tried my hardest to excel in school and never do anything wrong in the hopes that they would notice me.

Now that it's likely that we'll have a middle child (or children?) of our own someday, this is something that I'm going to be vigilant about. It would pain me for my child's insecurities to originate and intensify at home.

Are you a typical oldest, middle, youngest, or only child? Do you think there is truth to the philosophies?

This week's Toddle Along Tuesday co-host is Molly from A Day in Mollywood and the topic is birth order! Has it affected your kids' personalities, or yours? Is there any truth to that philosophy in your experience? There are no rules here, except that you link up a relevant post (old or new) rather than your whole blog.

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Next week's topic is hobbies! We mostly talk about our kids here, so let's talk about ourselves and what we like to do for fun, for once!

If you like advance notice for TAT, check out the bottom right of my blog - topics for the next couple months are listed. Would you like to submit a topic idea and/or volunteer to co-host one week? E-mail me!

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Middle child here too. Excelled in school, without much effort, which is typical. I don't have insecurities per se but I'm really outspoken and I guess this stems from always being over shadowed at home.I had to go to college on a scholarship bc my parents were already paying for my sister out of pocket for her first choice. My younger sister also went to her first choice bc shes 6 years younger and being so much younger, she was their only expense. I never had my own car until senior year of college for similar reasons. Hey at least, we're super smart? Haha
1 reply · active 641 weeks ago
College thing for me, too! Yay for scholarships!
I had a brother who was my dad's and was 9 years older than me so he was only around sometimes, and then a 3 years younger sister. Now, I'm half middle child and half oldest child. Isn't that stuff interesting?
My recent post Well-Written Wednesday: Tips on Writing a Review Post
I read your blog because well you are awesome! And I love seeing all the fun/interesting/geeky things you blog about.

I'm the oldest child, with a younger brother, and then my mom remarried and I have two very younger halfsisters who we have that very same relationship you talk about with your Oldest half sister. Except I see them VERY rarely.

My husband is a middle child and I totally see some of the same things you are expressing about yourself in him. He felt like he had to be the golden boy because his older brother was so "bad."
My recent post Day 16-19
1 reply · active 641 weeks ago
Aww thanks. Sounds like your husband and I are a lot alike. I honestly thought I had to be good because my parents couldn't handle it if I wasn't!
My recent post 2012 Holiday Gift Guide - For the Mommas!
My brother and I have always joked that were were born in wrong birth order since I have the "oldest child" personalities in many ways and he has some of the typical "baby" or "youngest child" characteristics.
And yet, as the baby of the family I do feel I still act entitled to a little more attention :P But it's just because I'm awesome (and clearly egotistical).
I am the youngest of only two. My brother is 21 months older than me. I now have 3 girls and I definitely see birth order traits in them. My oldest is a leader, the youngest is the "baby" and lives into that role very well. Unlike you describe yourself, my middle does not try to blend in. On the contrary, she is quirky, silly, loud, and just sort of commands attention - good & bad. I am trying really hard to give equal attention and appreciate their individuality, but it is not easy! Thanks for sharing your insight!
My recent post Horses
1 reply · active 641 weeks ago
I'm glad she is quirky and loud! Sounds like my kind of girl ;)
My recent post What turns your baby into a lunatic - Guest Post
While growing up I was very much younger child (which I am). Once my sister was out of the house I opened up a bit more. However, I will say that the birth order theories on middle children does make me doubt having 3 kids. Is that terrible? I just hate the idea of one being left out!
1 reply · active 641 weeks ago
Not terrible. I think it's something that so long as you go out of your way to ensure that all of your children are getting the attention they need, you're good. :)
My recent post Following in her sister's footsteps
Middle Child here too Melissa. My sister is the brother is the youngest. And EVERY...EVERY holiday, birthday, and get-together....They laugh at how 'Jessie is the angel' and 'Jessie is the PERFECT ONE'....and 'Jessie NEVER does ANYTHING wrong.' Blah Blah Blah. I think it's because my sister was always away, rebelous, and such. And my brother is babied. Both of them weren't great in school, I was. So. Yeah. It gets thrown in my face QUITE often.

Middle children unite.
1 reply · active 641 weeks ago
OMG my sisters do that too!
My recent post 2012 Holiday Gift Guide - For the little ones!
I was definitely a typical 'only child' until my Dad got married and I 'received' a step-brother. I was also a typical 'oldest' in a lot of ways... I always thought it would be fun to be a middle child - it never occurred to me how left-out you could feel. Makes sense. And by the way - I also read your blog because I think you're the COOLEST!
My recent post How Does Birth Order Affect Personality?
1 reply · active 641 weeks ago
I'm a middle child as well. Although I feel like I tried to do all the wrong things to get attention. I did try to achieve a lot though. I have three sisters and we all exemplify some common birth order traits.
My recent post Toddle Along Tuesday: Does Birth Order Matter?
Another middle (3rd of 4) sister here and I am definitely the mediator. My eldest sister is disabled, so the next is de facto oldest (and the favorite), then me and the baby (who I'm closest to), each three yrs apart. There might be a real middle child syndrome, but I think in my family there were just too many of us to get the attention we needed, esp. after my parents split. Good thing we were all good girls, or it would have been a royal mess. ;)
I hardly ever comment, but I just wanted to say that I love your blog! I read it because I appreciate how genuine you are -- you are easy to relate to and I find it so refreshing that you are honest about the challenges of being a mom instead of pretending like your whole life is perfect. So I guess it does make me feel better, because it reminds me that it's ok if I'm not doing everything exactly right, and that everyone has tough days (just some people pretend they never happen!) Haha not sure if that even makes sense but you definitely shouldn't feel insecure :)
1 reply · active 639 weeks ago
Aww thanks so much, Ellie! I really appreciate that :)
My recent post Aurelia - 2 Months

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