"Princess princess princess princess princess princess PANTS!" is always the answer to my "what would you like to wear today, Carina?" question. She always says "princess" multiple times. Once is just never enough.
She would wear her princess pants all day every day if I let her. She fusses when I take them off and will only allow me to do so without a full blown tantrum if I tell her that they are dirty and yucky.
The amazing princess princess princess PANTS! |
Stylin' in Disney Princesses |
What is your little one obsessed with these days?

This week's Toddle Along Tuesday co-host is Mary from A Day in the Life and the topic is baby/toddler obsessions! Ha, maybe I should have saved last week's post about Carina loving coffee... There are no rules here, except that you link up a relevant post (old or new) rather than your whole blog (or business, #comeonnow).
Next week's topic is holiday wish lists for your little ones!What is on his/her wish list this year? We'll do lists for ourselves in a couple weeks ;)
If you like advance notice for TAT, check out the bottom right of my blog - topics for the next couple months are listed. Would you like to submit a topic idea and/or volunteer to co-host one week? E-mail me!