I've delayed writing this post because I kept on thinking that I would get a fantastic melt-your-heart picture of a proud Carina holding her baby sister. But? That hasn't happened.
We tried...she just about dropped her right after I took this photo |
There is no doubt that Carina cares for Aurelia. A few times a day she kisses her or attempts to hug her - I say
attempt because
sometimes it is more like a football tackle. She seems genuinely concerned
when she cries: she runs over and exclaims, "baby sad!" She joins in as Aurelia plays on the play
mat, pushes her in the swing, and bounces her in the bouncer. Although any of those sister playtimes usually results in me reminding her to be "GENTLE! Baby isn't a toy." Lastly, Carina calls her "baby rella" every now and then and it just melts my heart. I don't expect that she'll be able to say
Aurelia for quite some time ;)
When we first brought Aurelia home from the hospital |
"Baby kisses!" |
Watching each other |
"Hello, baby!" |
But she doesn't want to hold her yet. And that's just fine with me
because given the delicateness of her hugs, I'm a little worried what
holding her might look like ;)
"Carina, we don't head-butt the baby" |
She doesn't
seem jealous of the baby, thankfully. But she has started taking my hand when I'm sitting on the couch feeding the baby or letting her take a cat nap on me, trying to pull me over to her toys to play. Sometimes I just can't get up. Other times I manage to maneuver myself, baby, and nursing pillow over to wherever she's trying to lead me. I think she misses me, and having my undivided attention. And? I miss our time together, too.
I need to make an effort to spend more one-on-one time with her. By the time Mike gets home each night there usually isn't time for much other than eat dinner, play {with Daddy} for a few minutes, and bedtime. Maybe we'll start this weekend with a Mommy-Carina lunch date. I think she'd enjoy that.
How do you manage to spend quality time with each of your kids? I'd love to hear your ideas/solutions!