Hello! I'm Nicole from The Kavanaugh Report. A big thanks to Mama G for letting me guest post -- it's truly an honor. If you have never stopped by, I blog about life with one super adorable -- but totally wild -- 16-month-old, Henry. We have tons of fun with tot school, crafts, and projects.

I have a confession guys. I'm super nervous about this post. Well, maybe embarrassed is a better word. I've been wanting to write this post on The Kavanaugh Report for awhile, but haven't been able to pull the trigger. So I'm doing it now. Why, you ask -- because I knew Mama G would hit publish when I didn't have the guts too. Here goes...
December 17, 2011
That's the date of my last haircut and eyebrow waxing.
I keep asking myself how this happened. But, really I know the answer. I
Just writing this, I'm getting angry with myself. Why? Why? Why? I know in my head its important for me to still matter. But when it comes right down to it, I feel guilty. I feel guilty for taking time away from Henry, from my husband, and my work.
That's insane, right? I'm pretty sure it is.
My wardrobe right now consists of baggy yoga clothes and hand-me-downs. My middle-of-my-back length hair is always in a messy ponytail. My makeup is a mess. I'm a mess.
This has to change. Someday, Henry and {hopefully} other children will look to me as an example. I want them to know its important to love themselves, to take care of themselves. And to do that, I must love myself, take care of myself.
So, enter this post. Publicly, I'm saying I'm going to do better. Try harder. I'm going to make that eye-doctor appointment I haven't made time for in six months. I'm going to get my haircut. And, first of all, I'm going to take care of the eyebrow situation.
Please, someone, tell me I'm not crazy. Anyone else feel like they have been neglecting themselves? Am I totally alone? Have a good tip on how to make more time for myself?
And, if you read this and randomly run into me at Target, hold me to this promise.
Thanks again, Mama G! I hope you will all come visit The Kavanaugh Report!
Ummm Nicole? Now would be the right time for me to confess that this was my last haircut! Eeeek! You're not alone ;)