Thursday, August 23, 2012

Thank goodness for amnesia! Or, why anyone ever gets pregnant again

Maybe you've heard of it, maybe you haven't. I'm talking about the amnesia that seems to settle in just a few months after squirting your baby out of your hoo-ha. You tend to block out the circus freak hugeness of the very end of pregnancy {and all the joy that comes with it}, the pain and carnage associated with the birthing of your baby, and then the sad, flappy, and damaged body with which you are left. Otherwise? Would anyone EVER get pregnant again?

Let's relive it all together, shall we? ;)

The last few {miserably uncomfortable} weeks of pregnancy

Things I had forgotten about until now:
  • Insomnia
  • Sciatica
  • Swelling - hello cankles!
  • How I couldn't even walk up the stairs without getting winded
  • General incontinence - make me laugh and I'll cut you 
  • The "WTF is that??" moments I had when I wiped down below on occasion
  • How monstrously huge I was
38 weeks with Carina...she came 3 days later

During labor

The labor pains, once so horrifying and severe that you literally thought something would explode out of your ass, somehow end up subsiding into a distant memory. The contractions, back labor, discomfort of the continuous blood pressure monitoring, {insert whatever you personally experienced here}, were all virtually erased from your consciousness as your baby was placed into your arms for the first time.

The Aftermath

Until I re-read Carina's birth story last week it was almost as if the post-labor uterine massages (EFF EFF EFF OWWWW), the urethral stitches, and the subsequent weeks of bleeding had never happened. I think it was a month before I could brave the bathroom sans peri-bottle, Dermoplast, and Tucks. When my milk came in 3 or so days after she was born I felt like I got hit by a truck and convinced myself that I must have a uterine infection. NOPE. Just the milk. (Side note: seriously, why doesn't anyone tell you that feeling like that when your milk comes in is normal?!?) At two days post-partum I was carrying around what I affectionately referred to at the time as the "saggy bag of jello". Despite all this and how hard it was to endure, we found ourselves trying to get pregnant again before Carina was even 9 Months Old! MUST be amnesia.

After baby bare belly, post partum bare belly
2 days post-partum: this is NOT a good look for me

Ohhh my 1st time Mommy friends out there - I'm not trying to scare you, promise. You can and WILL do it, and you'll probably end up with amnesia, too, because it's likely you'll find yourself pregnant with another at some point in the future. The {sometimes scary} memories will fade, the pain will go away, and you'll be left with your precious little baby.

I just wanted to reminisce since this is all knocking at my door...once again. But you know what? After a momentary freak out which involved a minute or so of sobbing and mourning what is to become of my belly and lady parts, my attitude changed: BRING IT. I can't wait to meet this baby.

What other unpleasantries have you "forgotten" when it comes to the end of your pregnancy, labor, and afterwards?

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I find myself wanting another one. People think I'm crazy because me twins are 13 months, but I'm ready. Reading this did bring back my memories of laboring for 14 hours just to have to have a c-section... but right now it doesn't seem so bad... you really do forget!
My recent post Motherhood: the good the bad and the ugly.
I honestly have complete amnesia! I don't remember any of the pain.. Except for the crazy ass headaches I got from my failed epi.
My recent post Wordless Wednesday- "Bairy" Edition
1 reply · active 654 weeks ago
Booo to failed epi :(
My recent post Pregnant Problems: Exhibit B
I remember when I had my first, I was so mad that nobody told how difficult the post-partum period was on your body! I have a vivid memory of holding up my peri-bottle, shaking it in my husband's face and screaming "How did I not even know this thing EXISTED before I needed it? Why did nobody tell me???" Then when I had my son I was so busy dealing with a newborn and a toddler that by week 2 I just didn't take the time to go through the whole 20 minute bathroom process. It didn't seem so bad. But maybe that's the amnesia kicking in ;)
My recent post Sibling Love
2 replies · active 654 weeks ago
I totally LOL at the peri bottle!! Seriously people why can't tell us what to expect! ;)
My recent post Bump Watch: 31 Weeks
Uggh...not looking forward to that process while Carina is running around!
My recent post Teaching little ones how to save can be fun! PNC Bank's 'S' is for Savings
I seriously love that you took a picture of your PP belly, lol. Mine looked very similar and it is nice to see someone else putting a normal view out there and not the "I was back in my pre-pregnancy jeans as I left the hospital" tale. I know it was painful, I've just chosen to forget that part. This time, I'm just choosing to pretend that it's going to go so fast the pain won't even matter :)
My recent post Thursday Song Share Link Up 8/23
1 reply · active 654 weeks ago
Yay for saggy bags of jello {of truth} ;)
My recent post BlogHer tips for newbies & what I would do differently next time
Oh gosh I hate you Melissa. I have a few more weeks before the "Oh crap all the horrifying labor/birth/afterbirth experiences" come to mind...but now, now after reading your post it's all coming back in a flood of memories! lol okay I don't really hate you, just dislike the fact I read this post LOL! Oh the joys of birth soon to be experienced.
My recent post Bump Watch: 31 Weeks
3 replies · active 654 weeks ago
I'm so sorry! But like I said in my closing - you can do it! You know what I forgot to put in the post? The RUSH that comes after you realize you did it.
My recent post My can't live without baby items! - Toddle Along Tuesday
Oh stop trying to butter me up now! lol!! It is an amazing experience, not matter how much of it can be gross and lovely afterwards. I'm so looking forward to the diaper ice packs on the hooha in the hospital...course unless this child flips soon we might be looking at other methods of delivery. Darn girl is breech!
My recent post Bump Watch: 31 Weeks
Turn, baby, turn!!
My recent post Pregnant Problems: Exhibit B
My labor wasn't so bad, but I do vividly remember the itching for the 6 weeks prior (I had PUPPPS), the reduculous weeks of PP bleeding (was it ever going to stop?), and the strange cramps while BF (no one mentioned the to me either - and I did the hospitals BF class!!). I don't have amnesia enough to do it again but I'm old and I can't go through the potential struggle of IF. But I am proud of those mommas that can!

PS if I went back in time, I would do it again in a heartbeat to get my baby girl though!
My recent post My Cleveland 3 Day Experience
1 reply · active 654 weeks ago
Oh I'm so sorry about the PUPPPS, Momma, that sounds awful :(
My recent post Teaching little ones how to save can be fun! PNC Bank's 'S' is for Savings
Hilarious post!!! I am definitely (blissfully) suffering from labor amnesia, but thanks for reminding me about the feeling "that something would explode out of your ass." That was nice!!! LOL!!! At almost 27 weeks, I guess I don't have too much more time to keep my head in the sand....
My recent post 26 Weeks
Thank you for breaking me of my amnesia. :) I clicked to read Carina's birth story and remembered mine. Now as we are starting to decide to have a second I'm thinking 'why?' But then tomorrow Mackenzie will give me her smiles and hugs and I'll say 'why not!' :)
My recent post Banana Apple Bread
Haha, I've had a similar post in my draft folder for FOREVER! But YES, baby amnesia! I HATED being pregnant, and after I had my son I kept wondering when it would set in (because obviously it DID, or nobody would ever have more than one kid!) My hubby and I had previously talked about trying for a second baby when our son turned 1, and in the months leading up to that I was panicking that I wasn't ready, I wasn't ready, I couldn't do it, I didn't want to be pregnant again . . . and then somewhere around 9 months in I suddenly said, "Huh, I think I'm ready now!" :) And then I got pregnant and said, "THAT'S right! I HATE this part!" :)
My recent post We Won’t Be Able To Afford More Kids If My Feet Keep Growing
I love that you posted pics of yourself after birth, it's so realistic. Sadly, my pouch is still there or at leas the skin that used to be a pouch is still there. I am like 94lbs, why won't it just go away? Anyways, I agree, you only remember the good parts which is why people have multiple kids! I have had 3 friends who had c-sections and they all do not want to have another one because they are so scared of everything. The hardest part for me, was the whole breastfeeding, I was not expecting that kind of pain. And you never knew how long it would last, how to make it better and I can remember clearly how painful it is, so I am not looking forward to it. I had my daughter without meds (some pitocin), but what got me through the pain was thinking about it as a temporary pain....with breastfeeding, not so much!!! So I am not scared of labor or sleepless nights during and after pregnancy, but more so of breastfeeding :(
1 reply · active 654 weeks ago
I hope breastfeeding is easier for you next time around! < 3
My recent post BlogHer tips for newbies & what I would do differently next time
Anyway, having a baby is sooooo exciting and she will be here sooo soon!!! Can't wait!
I had a great pregnancy and a horrible delivery experience, and I haven't forgotten anything. But I would do it all again. I told my husband that I missed being pregnant and find myself kind of hoping for an oops and getting pregnant again (Kate is only 4 1/2 months old)
My recent post Rice, Rice, Baby
1 reply · active 654 weeks ago
I'm sorry the amnesia hasn't set in! Maybe in the next few months? ;)
My recent post My can't live without baby items! - Toddle Along Tuesday
First time commenting- let me tell you. The second time is a BREEZE compared to the first time. Recovery is nearly instant, slight soreness, nothing like the first time. Even got my body back faster (nothing I can do about the stretch marks that showed up this time though!). SOOO much easier the second time.
1 reply · active 654 weeks ago
It is so wonderful to hear that!!! And thanks for commenting :)
My recent post Caring for the expanding bump: Love Munchkin - Review &amp; Giveaway!
Definitely want another one! I think you're on to something with this amnesia thing; either that, or the immensity of love we have for our children completely (or mostly/partially) wipes out the bad memories. ;-)
My recent post Thursday Thoughts
::sigh:: All this is reminding me of when I heard all these graphic details of having a baby for the first time - in college at some point. It took me a while after that to want to get pregnant, and in approximately 13 short weeks I will get to experience all the glory for myself. I don't know why they don't teach this information in high school sex ed classes. It seems like effective birth control to me.
My recent post 27 weeks
1 reply · active 654 weeks ago
They should!! I think it would serve as a great deterrent!
My recent post BlogHer tips for newbies & what I would do differently next time
This post is MEAN... just have to say :) But so true... I remember thinking "I will NEVER, EVER get pregnant again" while I was in labour... and then immediately thinking "That wasn't so bad..." right after...
My recent post Girl Names!
2 replies · active 653 weeks ago
I'm sorry! Don't hate me :)
My recent post Pregnant Problems: Exhibit B
Haha! I couldn't hate you - I just meant for reminding me!
My recent post Let's All Yell 'KINKY!!!'
I think you pretty much summed up everything about mommy amnesia! LOL
My recent post My heart could burst...
Ok so here's mine. After my c-section I couldn't walk for about 12 hours. So that whole time I had a catheter. They finally pulled it and told me I had 6 hours to pee, twice. Or they would re-cathterize me, with no sedation. It had to be in a special bucket in the toilet and the nurse had to check it for it to "count". So I finally had one, then another that I was told didn't count. All of this accompanied by drinking tons of H2O.
My recent post Blogs I Love 2.0
So as we are nearing our 6 hour deadline the whole family makes the trek up to NICU to visit Evie. we scrub in, which by the way takes about 5 minutes every single time. We are all sitting around her room and I'm holding her. When there it is: I've gotta freakin pee. Like bad. So I'm like um honey, and I kind of whispered in his ear that we need to go back up to the room so I can pee. Yes there was a bathroom in NICU but it didn't have the special bucket thing, see and I wanted credit for my pee. So then we had to explain that we had to go all the way back upstairs so I could get credit for my pee. Meanwhile, I am off my head on percocet and oxycontin and i start giggling uncontrollably, "I want credit for my pee! I want credit for my pee!". Yeah the whole thing, it was bad.

Needless to say, I got credit for my pee.

Also the 35 hour unmedicated labor, that was fun.

I'd do it all again though for my Evie.
My recent post Blogs I Love 2.0
1 reply · active 654 weeks ago
Oh man that is awesome. I bet your husband will never let you forget ;)
My recent post Teaching little ones how to save can be fun! PNC Bank's 'S' is for Savings
Eek! I was a pretty miserable pregnant person and I somehow managed to get amnesia twice. After #3? Not so much! Being pregnant (and all of the misery that goes with it) while chasing a toddler this time around was enough for me to declare never ever again! I even saved one of my really hideous and ginormous maternity outfits to pull out in case the amnesia strikes again.
My recent post Caroline is 6 Months Old!
1 reply · active 653 weeks ago
Nothing like a giant ugly pregnancy tent/tarp as a deterrent, right? LOL
My recent post BlogHer tips for newbies & what I would do differently next time
Kate (d) t's avatar

Kate (d) t · 653 weeks ago

This makes me wonder how much more they don't tell you... I'm beginning to wonder what I've gotten myself into. I had to google 3 different terms... Haha!
1 reply · active 653 weeks ago
It will be okay, I promise! And what did you have to Google - I'd be happy to explain the scary/foreign words ;)
My recent post Caring for the expanding bump: Love Munchkin - Review & Giveaway!
and this is why I can't get myself to jump to a second baby thing lol
My recent post Peanut, 19 months

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