I started the blog Leilaland three months into my pregnancy with our daughter, as a way to update far-away family and friends. I didn't realize how much I enjoyed writing (and over-sharing on the internet) until I began. Now I use my blog as a way to remember our family's life and to share what I'm learning about motherhood. Thanks for having me!

When Leila was seventeen months old, a new mom asked me about her progress with talking. She expressed concern that her toddler didn't really talk, and I quickly said that Leila didn't really have any words either.
Well, Leila must have overheard our conversation. Or maybe I actually started listening to her mumble-jumble, because just one month later Leila was saying over fifty words.
We all know that when your toddler starts talking, they also start saying, "No." Leila not only says that dreaded word, she also says, "Nope." I'd love to respect her wishes, but let's get real, that is just not possible. Half the time she says "no" she really means "yes" anyways. (I swear!)
At twenty months old Leila has begun to use the word YES (or an oh-so-adorable, yeah).
Our conversations before the yes, went a little like this:
Do you want waffles? No.
Would you like some eggs? No.
How about some cereal? No.
Okay, let's have cereal.
Do you want to go down the slide? No.
Would you like to build a sandcastle? No.
How about the swings? No
Okay, let's go home.
The yes really changes things. Finally Leila can express what she wants!
It's a great feeling to give your child what they want, as long as it's reasonable, of course. Luckily, with yes and no responses I can manipulate the question to fit our needs. I'm no fool.

Thanks so much for taking over for the day, Jen!