Oh hai! I'm Tottums from The Froggy & the Mouse ... Melissa was awesome enough to let me guest post over here this week while she's living it up on vaca {dies of jealousy}. If you're already a reader of mine, surprise! {Fancy meeting you here!} If not, make sure you check out my little slice of the interwebz HERE when you get a chance!
As we all know, Melissa is mommy to a gorgeous little girl, and has another one on the way. There is a MAJOR lack of testosterone around this place. SO - she asked me to talk about being a boymom.

This photo preeeeeetty much sums it. In honor of the lack of 'boy' around her home and blog, I dedicate this list to her {and to all other non-boy-moms out there!}:

If you're a boymom, do you have anything to add? Lay 'em on us!
OMG, I just pissed myself laughing. Please go visit Tottums over at The Froggy & the Mouse, and check out her brand new resdesign!