Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Toddle Along Tuesday - Bedtime!

Our bedtime routine usually begins around 6:30 with dessert. One of us (usually Mike) shares some Ice Cream with Carina. She yells, "ice cream! Ice cream!" when she sees us bring it out into the family room.

Making sure every drop gets in her mouth
Maybe one night a week Mike isn't home in time to put Carina to bed, but every other night he plays the oboe for her. She tries to touch the keys and/or color on his sheet music. I think it's only a matter of time before we need to buy her a recorder of her own. After music time, we change her out of her cloth diaper and into a disposable (more to come on this soon - a few of you have asked about our entire diaper/wipe routine), and put on her PJs. Despite being so small she is starting to outgrow her Children's Place size 18 Month stretchies. Must...get...bigger sizes. Then we give her her favorite stuffed monkey and binky and let her wind down.

Beloved monkey
After a couple stories and dimming the lights, I snuggle up with Carina on my glider and nurse her. Half of the time she falls asleep, and the rest of the time she looks up at me and smiles, giggles, or chats. This is my favorite part of the day, without a doubt. I lay her down in her crib, start up her seahorse and soother, and tuck her in.

Night night, love

My co-host for Toddle Along Tuesday this week is Samantha from On Pink Bears and Pacifiers and the topic is Bedtime Routines! What do you do with your little one before bed? Do you have a detailed routine, or just wing it? There are no rules here, except that you link up a relevant post (old or new) rather than your whole blog.

Next week's topic is Cheap or free ways to entertain kids! Use your imagination here! Are there household items that your baby loves? Free places you like to go? Can't wait to see your ideas :)

If you like advance notice for TAT, I just added a section at the bottom right of the blog that lists the Toddle Along Tuesday topics for the next few weeks! Would you like to submit a topic idea and/or volunteer to co-host one week? E-mail me!
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