Since then, I have been using the timi & leslie Farah 2-in-1 Diaper Backpack that I reviewed back in November. I love it.
Now for the contents! A few things for Mommy (coupons, wallet, chapstick), a couple toys, bibs, and then the focus as of late: food. I usually have a Happy Tot food pouch on me, as Carina really likes them. Cheerios and our new favorite - crunchy veggie-potato sticks are most often found inside, as well.
Of course there are diapers, scented disposal bags (we use these at playdates or when we are visiting family), wipes, and a changing pad. Other important things include sunscreen and an extra onesie. Most of the time we have a whole extra change of clothes. We had to use it recently and it looks like I didn't replace it...oops! Carina often pulls her headbands off in the car and I end up stuffing them in the diaper bag. They usually end up forgotten there. Lastly, disposable placemats. These are AWESOME. You stick them onto the table at restaurants and peel them off when you're done. I can't tell you how helpful they are.
Most of the time I feel like there is a ton of stuff in there, but looking at it all lined up like this, I'm actually feeling like quite the minimalist.

My co-host for Toddle Along Tuesday this week is Nancy from The Chrancy Family and the topic is What's in your diaper bag? Show us your bag and what's in it! I can't wait to see everyone's. There are no rules here, except that you link up a relevant post (old or new) rather than your whole blog.
Next week's topic is Bedtime Routines! What do you do before bedtime?
If you like advance notice for TAT, I just added a section at the bottom right of the blog that lists the Toddle Along Tuesday topics for the next few weeks! Would you like to submit a topic idea and/or volunteer to co-host one week? E-mail me!