We go out at least a few times a week. Today, we met our friends at the park for a playdate. Before we left she escaped from me while I was changing her. I found her like this. She doesn't like to watch TV often, but when she does, this is her preferred means of enjoying it.
On our way to the park, Carina somehow managed to spill more than half of her sippy of water on herself. When I took her out of the carseat it looked like she had wet her jeans - front & back. Luckily I had a spare pair of sweatpants in the diaper bag. Despite being Carters size 9 Months, they actually fit her. Good for us at that moment, but a sad realization for Mommy. We had a lot of fun at the park, but she quickly became tired in the 80+ degree weather. That's rare for Connecticut in April.
She fell asleep on the way home and napped for a little longer at home. On a good day her naps are almost 2 hours. On a bad day they are 45 minutes. On average they are a little over an hour. During her morning naps I get something to eat, shower, spend time on the internet, and watch the news. When she woke up we had some lunch and spent the better part of the afternoon playing inside and outside, and trying to get her to eat all the while. She usually takes an afternoon nap, although lately she has been skipping it every few days. Mommy is happy to report that she napped for about an hour this afternoon :) Her afternoon naps are when I start getting dinner ready and {maybe} clean a little bit. (And yep, those are boxes in the background. Still not done unpacking yet!)
She starts showing signs of sleepiness around 6, which is usually when M returns home from work. Most of the time I have dinner ready, but today I was feeling pretty sick and it just didn't happen. So M stepped in and made pasta with a sweet pepper tomato sauce, and we ate right around 6:30. Then we whisked the peanut into her room to change her, nurse her, and put her to sleep. Most days we'll read a bedtime story but tonight we got a little bit of a late start on bedtime so she was pretty fussy and we opted to skip it. She was asleep by 7:20, a bit later than usual.
After she heads to bed I take care of the dishes, and then unwind. This involves blogging, some TV, dessert, chatting with M, reading, and bed - often in that order. I've been trying to be asleep by 10:30 since becoming pregnant, but it doesn't always happen. I keep promising myself I will get to bed earlier and I keep breaking that promise ;)
Well, it's a bit different from the Day in the Life I posted back in September! I can't believe how much bigger Carina is now, wow.

My co-host for Toddle Along Tuesday this week is Katie from Love, Lattes & Lullabies and the topic is A Day in the Life. Share what a typical day is like for you in prose, pictures, videos, whatever you like! There are no rules, except that you link up a relevant post (old or new) rather than your whole blog.
Next week's topic is What's in your Diaper Bag. Show us your diaper bag and what you keep in it!
Would you like to submit a topic idea and/or volunteer to co-host one week? E-mail me!