I switched over to doing both bare and covered belleh pics at 15 weeks last time. I'll do the same this time around, too. Just for a few weeks. When things get scary I'll cover it all up ;)
How far along? 15 weeks
Weight gain/loss: 118 lbs. Still at my pre-pregnancy weight.
Feeling: Pretty good, except for a monster headache that's been plaguing me the last couple days.
Maternity clothes? Yes. I think I need a couple new pairs of maternity pajama pants. My Victoria's Secret PJ pants are getting a little tight.
Sleep: Bad. Carina has been waking once a night every other night or so and/or waking up at 6 AM. And I accidentally bought Decaf instead of Caffeinated coffee this week. Ugh.
Food cravings: Cheese fries. Must...make...some...
Movement? Yes! Definitely. I started feeling a few taps late last week and now I'm feeling some fluttery movement in there regularly.
What I miss? Wine
Best moment this week: The day we realized Carina was walking more than crawling. I'm in for it now.
What I'm looking forward to: Spending Easter with my family and our anatomy scan!
Next Appointment: April 20th. My anatomy scan will be on the morning of May 1st. I can't believe we'll see deuce again so soon!
Milestones: Baby is growing eyebrows and eyelashes this week.