From that tragic day during my adolescence when I realized that yep, they were done growing, I dreamed that pregnancy would at least bring me some temporarily enhanced tatas. No dice. My first pregnancy drew to a close and it was pretty much business as usual. Even as I started breastfeeding Carina, they were only any bigger when engorged. And I certainly wasn't going to let them get to that {painful} point, throw on a cleavage baring halter and go admire myself in the mirror.
That's right - I posted a pic of my cleavage. Wanna fight about it? |
In short, they never really grew. They got fuller, sure, but new bras were never necessary. Even at my most engorged my not-very-supportive nursing tanks did just fine. After 9 months of pregnancy, 15 months of breastfeeding, {and almost 4 months of this pregnancy}, they are just about the same size as they were before I ever got pregnant. Maybe a tiny bit smaller. I wouldn't consider them droopy, saggy, or trashed, though. They are pretty much the same ol' boobs. The plus side about no growth? No stretchmarks ;)
Sadly, they're starting to hurt a lot now when Carina nurses. Weaning might be in sight at this point...
Tell me about yours! Did they grow? A lot? Let me commiserate with you or live vicariously through your ginormous bazongas.

P.S. Until just this week, I hadn't worn a bra since before Carina was born! I've lived in nursing tanks all day every day for the last 15 months. Breaking my bras out of storage truly felt like saying hello to old friends.