Milestones: So many exciting things have happened! You are now walking and talking. You have started saying so a plethora of new words over the last few months, I'll just list the ones I can remember off the top of my head: dog, duck, banana (although it sounds more like "banaaaa!"), bath, cheese, beans, hi, baby, doll, hair, eye, boots, hat, and my favorite - oboe. You just recently started putting a couple words together, too - "Hi Kitty" and "Hi Baby". We've also had some conversations about your digestive functions as well as animal sounds. You tell me a cow says "moo", a duck says "qua!", kitty says "meow" and sheep says "baa". You also think the pig says "baa". We're working on it, love. Despite our current issues with food, you have really taken to eating with a fork and spoon. Lastly, and Daddy's favorite - you can recognize your extended family members by voice. Your uncle Chris recorded a story book for you and every time you play it you exclaim, "Diiii!" Which we have come to realize means "Chris", as you also yell it when we video chat with him every day.
Loves: Black beans. When I make something else for you for lunch you often look at it, frown, and yell "beans!" It's pretty much the only thing you actually like to eat. You love to
Hates: Getting your diaper changed. As soon as I set you down on the changing table you yell, "Dada! Mimi! Pap!" Basically, you call for everyone you know to come save you from evil Mommy as she snatches away your squalid diaper. Cracks me up every time. Eating! You just don't want to do it and it is a constant source of frustration for me. Now that you're walking I'm hoping your appetite will pick up.
Height & Weight: I write this section with a sigh. You are 18 lbs. 4 oz. and 29.2 inches long. Both are way at the bottom of the growth charts. We need to fatten you up, my dear! You have outgrown most of your 12 Month clothes and are mainly in 18 Months now. Still size 4 disposable diapers (just for overnight) and the middle setting on your One-Size cloth diapers. Little miss tiny feet you are, still in size 3s.
13 Months |
14 Months |
15 Months |