Luke is also Latin, like Carina, and means bringer of light. I have always loved this name. Robert is after M's dad and my grandfather. My grandfather is a deacon in the Catholic Church and baptized Carina (he married us, as well).
Thinking of a name for another girl was much harder. There were a few names that we both liked, but not a single one, in my opinion, really measured up to Carina. I want to love the name we choose for our baby as much as I love the name Carina, so I had a hard time with the thought of settling for one I merely like. Which is why I'm so glad we stumbled upon Aurelia, which is Latin and means golden.
We love it. It seems that there are many different ways to pronounce it, which had me a little reserved about it for some time. But on second thought, we really aren't the type to get annoyed at having to correct people, and I don't think it's that bizarre or out there. FTR - we'll pronounce it "Aw-RAIL-yah". Ellen would be the middle name, after M's sister.
Thinking about our Luke Robert or Aurelia Ellen is making me really excited about this baby :)

My co-host for Toddle Along Tuesday this week is Mindi from Simply Stavish and this week's topic is baby naming! Share how you chose your baby's names, names you'd like to use in the future, or just talk about baby names you like. There are no rules, except that you link up a relevant post rather than your whole blog.
Next week's topic is a simple one: your favorite photo! It can be of anything - you, a pet, baby, whatever you like. Also - we're going to change things up and make it fun; it will be a contest and M will choose the winner! Only rule is the photo has to have been taken by you, your husband, a friend, or family member: no professional photographers, please. Prize will be a free 200x150 ad space for a month :)
Would you like to submit a topic idea and/or volunteer to co-host one week? E-mail me!