Long gone is the notion that once your morning sickness subsides, moms-to-be are in for months and months of delicious food binges, and daytime TV. Doctors and midwives have come to a similar conclusion that when it comes to preparing for the birth and losing the baby weight, staying active is the best policy.
Mommy friendly versions of yoga and pilates have been growing in popularity, but there are also surprising amounts of pregnant women who maintain their activity levels with high intensity workouts like crossfit and long distance running. Moms-to-be should discuss safe and reasonable ways of working out with their midwives and doctors. Certain websites like NutritionFix.com offer detailed ingredients list for supplements, but it will be very important that you to discuss with your doctor any supplements you plan on taking to find out if they are safe for you and the baby.
Getting the baby weight off is a worry of many new moms, and staying active during pregnancy can help you transition into a more active mommy-hood. Working out with your partner can also be a good way to counteract the sympathy weight they are sure to gain as well. Staying active also helps reduce the likelihood that you will suffer from pregnancy specific health condition like gestational diabetes or preeclampsia.
And surprisingly enough, you have to actually go through a very physically intense process before your pregnancy is over. This process, also fondly known as labor and delivery requires physical and emotional strength. Having maintained a strength and endurance during your pregnancy, getting through delivery can be a bit easier.
Once you have a bouncy bundle of joy in your arms who requires all of your attention, new moms can get overwhelmed with attending to the baby, their partner, and themselves. But simple dietary changes, especially if you are no longer breastfeeding, can make a world of difference. By adding meal replacing protein bars and weight training to your traditional workouts, new moms and dads can start getting back to normal sooner, rather than later.
Thanks to NutritionFix.com for chiming in on the importance of staying active while pregnant! Now, to get off my rear and take Carina out for a {very} brisk walk... ;)