So here is a collection of all of the great ideas I had that unfortunately never came to fruition. Maybe they will strike someone's fancy and inspire them to throw a fantastic winter themed party for their little one.
Looking at all of these adorable things makes me sad that this party never happened :(

My co-host for Toddle Along Tuesday this week is Ashley over at The Stauffer Shenanigans, and this week's topic is Parties! Show off one of your child's parties, or post about party ideas. Feel free to use an old post, or write a brand new one. There are no rules, except that you link up a relevant post rather than your whole blog.
Next week's topic is babies and their Daddies! Show off some cute photos, talk about their special relationship, whatever you like :)

13 words of geekdom:
I think that theme would be good for any birthday - just skip the whole one part.
Just think all the stress you saved yourself by not having the party.
Btw... I copied the TAT button but for some reason it isn't showing on my post :(
@Megan - oh no! Not sure why it isn't working. I'm sorry! It seems that the code is correct.
Got it to work, had to do it as a link and normally I just copy and paste the code.
Such a cute party could always do it next year when she will enjoy it more! :) and your life may not be as crazy. Certainly not a move and a thesis. Looking forward to linking up at the end of the weekend.
These are such great ideas! You never know when you could use these ideas for baby #2 :)
Aww!!! Such a cute party idea! I agree - you could totally make it work for two. :-)
Psst: There's no reason you can't do this next year! :-)
Very cute ideas!!
I agree with everyone this theme next year! I could work for any age! You have tons of cute idea posted and I think Carina would enjoy them more next year anyways! :o)
These are all pins I pinned for my daughters 1st birthday! We did a winter "one"derland theme and it was so fun! Hopefully you can use the winter theme next year! I linked up :)
Ditto everyone, that'd be a perfect party for a 2 year old. LOVE the theme!
Duh, I don't know why I didn't even think about the fact that I could still do the winter theme, just without the "ONEderland" specification. Thanks, ladies!
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