As soon as I started playing the album, Carina turned towards the music and pointed at the player. She even started dancing a little bit! Whenever I start playing it she usually stops whatever she is doing for a few minutes to listen intently. Looks like she loves it! And I really like it, too. My favorite track is Just Can't Get Enough, which you can even listen to on Rockabye Baby!'s website. The melodies are so true to the actual songs - I think Depeche Mode would be proud. Verdict? I would much rather listen to this clever and creative album than Carina's singing teapot or Violet (remember how M feels about Violet? haha)
I'm really looking forward to trying a few of the other albums. They have lullaby renditions for almost every genre of music - Kanye West, Madonna, or Elvis Presley, anyone? I think Rockabye Baby! albums would make a fantastic baby shower gift for any Mother (or Father!) to-be.
Ooooh yay, I like this! |
Looking through Rockabye Baby!'s extensive collection of CDs - which includes some of my favorites like Metallica, Green Day, and Coldplay, is like a breath of fresh air for anyone who has heard "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" or "Row Row Row Your Boat" more times than they would like to admit. Lullaby Renditions of Depeche Mode will be released on February, 7th!
Rockabye Baby! will send their new album Lullaby Renditions of Depeche Mode to one lucky winner!
How to Enter:
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