At times I clamored for the keyboard and the comfort of friendly faces on Twitter and Facebook, but I {mostly} resisted in favor of spending time with my family.
It was hard. But it felt good...and freeing. I didn't care what my blog stats were. I was late in responding to e-mails. For a fleeting moment here and there I worried that people would get upset if I ignored their mentions or #FFs on Twitter, or their comments or questions on Facebook.
Then I snapped myself out of it. Why am I putting this pressure on myself? Why do I need to please everyone? Surely people don't expect me to be (or care if I am) on the interwebz all the time.
I've decided that I am not going to turn on my computer each day until Carina is down for her first nap. When she wakes up, it's going away until after she goes to bed at night. There is still a lot of unpacking and organizing to be done here, as well as getting settled in the area (ugh apparently you need to pay an arm and a leg to get a license and car insurance here). And have you seen how adorable and hilarious my baby is? I think that romping around with her takes priority over my tap-tap-tapping away at the keyboard. Plus, she tries to bang on the computer now when I am using it...
Turn off that computer and play with me! |