Sunday, September 11, 2011


I wasn't planning on posting an update, but so many people have asked...

Yesterday was awful.  It marked Day 7 of no bowel movement, and Carina was miserable.  We tried everything we could to get her to go on her own and then called the doctor back.  When they heard how loudly she was screaming they asked for me to bring her in so they could do an abdominal exam.

Sad face
Carina did not appreciate the doctor's second and "lower" exam, screaming as badly as she does when she gets her shots.  The doctor's conclusion was for me to get glycerin suppositories and Miralax and give either a try.  In her experience, the butt bullets would provide faster relief, though.

So M opened the suppositories, took one look at them, and then looked at me, "this is NOT going to be fun for her, or us."

I will spare you the details, let's just say that we couldn't even get it in before she started straining, screaming, crying hysterically, and trembling; breaking our hearts in the process.  I have never seen her in so much pain.  And because I'm sure you value whatever meal you just ate, I won't tell you why we needed to throw out a plastic baby spoon...

It lasted about an hour, and then she fell asleep immediately afterwards.  I hope to never relive that again - and I'm sure she does, too.

P.S. I can't tell you all, my readers, how much I love you.  With all of my posts, Facebook updates, and Tweets about poop I was sure that I would lose a bunch of followers.  Somehow I have managed to gain a few in the last couple days.  I really appreciate your suggestions yesterday, as well as your help and support.  <3 you, seriously.

P.S.S. I woke up to find that is now following me on Twitter.  LOL, that's all I got.

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OMG, I can't even imagine how awful that was for all of you! :( I'm so glad she's feeling better now! Poor baby!
My recent post Always remember - 9.11.01
Very glad To hear!
My recent post 9-11-2001
Poor baby girl!! Glad it's over.
My recent post On birth control... or rather, off of it.
I'm sorry but thats hilarious that Colon Blow is following you!! Glad she's okay. Avoid bananas....those have been the worst constipators ever. Poor babies and their lack of poop :(
We dealt with some constipation this weekend and it was awful! It's always hard to try to help you're baby and find nothing that works!

SO glad Carina feeling better!
My recent post And Then There's The Guilt
So glad she is feeling better...poor thing! We've gone through that plenty of times with Jack, its heartbreaking :(
I got the colon blow follow too! I figured it was something to do with my post a little while back about "Super Baby Colon Blow"
My recent post {Review &amp; Giveaway} 1,033 Reasons to Smile
1 reply · active 695 weeks ago
Ha, you're right. It was probably because of you (and all of our RT's of your post) that made them follow us! :)
My recent post Fill in the Blankie - Review & Giveaway!
Thanks everyone! She is all cleared out - so to speak, and is back to her old self :)
My recent post Pep talk to Lefty

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