Your hosts for the hop are Mama G at Growing Up Geeky and Kristin at Our Growing Garden. Each week we'll have a featured blog, randomly selected from the previous week's links.
This week's featured blog is The Chrancy Family. Nancy has some great couponing tips and her daughter Arianna is beautiful. Stop by and show some love!

Join in! Here's how:
-Follow Mama G, Kristin, and this week's featured blog via Google Friend Connect. Don't forget to let us know you did so by leaving a comment on our blogs. We will return all follows as soon as we can. You will only have to link up on one of our sites and your link will appear on both.
-Add a main link to your blog to the linky list below. Come back every week, too: the linky will open Monday nights at 8 PM EST!
-After you follow the hosts, visit other blogs and follow as many as you are willing! Please leave a comment letting them know you are following, and that you found them through Toddle Along Tuesday. The more blogs you visit, the more visits you will likely gain in return. Have fun!