Ours came at the end of May:
Sorry it's a little blurry. We haven't had the chance to get our fancy camera yet :)
The return address says "The White House"!
Get your own! Here's how:
1. You must be a US Citizen.
2. Baby must have been born within the past 12 months.
3. Provide the following information: Name of baby, address of baby, date (month, day, year) of birth, and requestor's name and daytime phone number. I just sent one of Carina's birth announcements along with the other needed information.
4. Mail the requests to:
The White House
Attn: Greetings Office
Washington, D.C. 20502-0039
It took about 6 weeks to get ours. Has anyone else sent away for one? If so, did you get yours yet?

13 words of geekdom:
Is it actually their sigs? or stamps?
I completely forgot that they do this! Sending fore Cal's tomorrow! :)
@Kristin - It's too nice to be a stamp, but I highly doubt they are authentic signatures. Probably an Autopen or something.
This is awesome! Thanks for the info!
Thanks for the info! Sending mine out tomorrow :)
COOL!! i will send for one too!
That is SO awesome! I am totally doing this! :-) Thanks for sharing!
That is so cool! That is something any child would find special.
I recently read that the babys birth does not have to be within 12 months, but does have to have been within Obama's administration. I am going to send off a request for my 1 1/2 year old...we'll see if that's true!
@Kim - what great news! It's definitely worth a shot, right?
Just an update, I received the greeting I requested for my one and a half year old today :)
@Kim - wow, already? That was fast! So glad you got it.
I have one of those for Aidan from George W Bush. Very cool!
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