Monday, June 13, 2011

Must have Monday - Inglesina Table Chair

Our pediatrician told us we could start Carina on solid food back when she was 4 months old, but we decided not to.  The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies be exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months, Carina didn't quite seem ready, and hey, I wasn't ready for it yet! 

So we're holding out for another couple of weeks.  Once we start, we'll break out the giant Fisher-Price Precious Planet High Chair, but in the mean time we're having Carina sit at the table in her Inglesina Table Chair while we eat dinner.  She loves to sit and watch us eat.  She follows the food from our plate to our mouths.  Maybe we're being cruel food-teases, but we really enjoy having her sit with us.

The levers under the arms are completely adjustable, so you can attach the seat to tables of any thickness.  We're planning on bringing it with us when we fly to Philly this weekend.  It folds up really nicely.  We'll probably use it at the airport and at the in-law's house.  It's nice and cushy and has a seat belt.  Carina loves it, as you can see below.

We have it in the color Teak.  We picked this brand (as opposed to others) because it had the best reviews on Amazon for table chairs under $50.

What do you use for baby when you go out to eat and/or travel?


6 words of geekdom:

basebell6 said...

cool chair! when we go out to eat we just take turns holding him! he's pretty much a nightmare when it comes to sitting in a high chair when distractions are around. even at home there can only be like 1 adult in the room or he is screaming wanting out of the thing.

Heather said...

i like that chair!

when we go out with lennox she just sits in the highchairs - she likes them. she LOVES eating out too -- she watches everyone else that is around and of course lots of the waitresses come to say hi to her :)

Anonymous said...

Cool chair. We have the FP Spacesaver chair, so it's pretty easy to bring anywhere if there isn't a highchair available.
We have a booster seat for Olivia that is super cheap and it collapses.

Mishu said...

I saw that somewhere... I was just concerned about how it attaches to the table... I mean is it fool-proof? lol You've sold me anyway, off to purchase it (we're also waiting for 6 mos) for trips. Carina is a great model for it, look at how happy she is! DD snatched my granola bar this morning... I think she's ready!

Mama G said...

@Mishu - it is really sturdy. DH wouldn't want to use it if he didn't think it was entirely secure!

Baby Favors said...

I like the chair and baby smile.Lovely!

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