I made the picture large so you can hopefully see some of the code details. While I'm not a programmer, I do see code like this on a daily basis as a software tester. Both NULL and timeout are near and dear to my heart (ha!) I don't have to read or write code, thankfully; all I have to do is try to break it.

Here's the description:
Brand-new, handmade cotton and chenille baby bib from colbylanedesigns! The front is a cool computer code print on a white background and reverses to plush chenille.
I don't know if I've ever heard computer code referred to as "cool" before! Is anyone else out there a computer geek?

6 words of geekdom:
I think that's really cool. I love html code (in moderation!)
I tweak the html on my blog from time to time. Playing with hex codes is the best!
that is so awesome!
mine are way past the bib stage.
But I my husband was telling me today he is thinking of buying our son a ipad- for the sole purpose of learning to program apps.
I love playing around with html code and learning a bit...
Thinking I may get this for the unborn :)
Southern Mama @ Ramblings Of A Southern Mama
I'm not a programmer either, but since I've been working on building a site, code gobeldygook has become near and dear to my heart as well. I should get one of these for my little guy. Teach him to celebrate geekiness from the start!
Oh wow! but it is printed on the baby shirt.Its cool.
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