That's right; we had Carina's 4 month check up today. I think she had a sense of foreboding as I put her in the car seat before we left for the appointment. I call this the "no no no Mommy don't put me in here!" pose. You can almost see the sadness in her eyes as she grips the sides of the car seat.
Official Stats:
Weight - 15 lbs. 2 oz.
Height - 24.5 in
Head circumference - I forget, and I also forgot to bring home the paper it was printed on. Mommy fail.
The doctor said she looks great, is growing like a weed, and we can start solids at any time (eep!) I'm not quite ready for that yet. I'd like for her to be sitting up a little bit better on her own, and I hope to actually make some baby food. That means I need to dig our baby food maker and storage containers out of the deep recesses of our closet...
She screamed like I have never heard her scream before while getting her shots. It broke my heart. Fortunately, she calmed drown pretty quickly and was all smiles once we got home.
This face MELTS me.
Do you think 4 months and change is a bit early for solids? When did you start your baby on baby food?

10 words of geekdom:
Hello! I've been reading your blog for a week or so and decided to jump out of hiding =) My son will be 4 months in 2 weeks and some change so I'm curious to see what others say in regards to your solids question. Your daughter's smile is precious by the way.
We started lennox on solids at 4 months. Cereal to start with then on to baby foods. She loved them and has always been a good eater. We actually started them when she stopped sleeping through the night. They say solids don't make them sleep but it sure made her go right back to sleeping 13 hrs!!!
Funny, I just wrote about starting solids on my blog. At my daugher's 4-month, her pediatrician recommended we wait until she's 5 months, which she will be on Saturday.
Anyway, we tried it out the last three nights. The first night, we some baby oatmeal in her bottle, which I don't know if most people recommend. I wouldn't really recommend that either now--it only seemed to work OK the first night, but it was frustrating to her. I tried spoon feeding her tonight, and she was having NONE of it. I don't think she likes the oatmeal. After talking to friends, though, I hear it can take time for babies to get used to the new texture.
Long story short...or really long...we're still getting the hang of it, and I have no idea what to do yet.
Good luck with Carina!
My son was born 2 weeks before yours, and we were told not do any solids until at least 6 months, and that's our plan.
Both Conor and Riley got solids at 4 months, and they LOVED it! I think it more has to do with the baby, rather than a set age. I heard once that if you try to put a spoon in their mouth (without any food on it, just a plain spoon) and they stick their tongues out at it, then they're not ready. if they open to try to take food, then they're good. We kind of went with that. As long as she can sit supported, I'd try to spoon test. We started with just cereal, and then added veggies, and then fruits, with 4 days time in between each new thing. Let me know when she starts! It's so much fun to see their faces as they try new things :)
We didn't start solids till 5 months. I plan to do the same with the next little one on the way.
From what I can remember I believe our 4 month shots weren't too bad either. My little one had a fever but otherwise was acting normal. Cute pics! :)
Probably has to do more with the baby/digestive system. My son started solids last month at 4 mths, and he is doing swimmingly. We plan on starting baby-led weaning at six months.
Yay for a big healthy baby! We're waiting until 6 months and I think I want to try Baby-led weaning.
My son just turned 8 months old. We dabbled in solids from about the 4 month period but we became more consitent around the 5 to 5 1/2 month period. He is still just now getting to the point where he is starting to eat it 3 times a day.
I also made some of my own homemade baby food and I loved it. I actually think it was much better on his system. If we did not make it ourselves we only bought organic baby food and the PLUM variety is awesome!
I plan on doing Baby-led weaning/solids no earlier than 6 months. I just started reading the book.
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