Friday, February 25, 2011


For those who don't spend time on the message boards on The Bump, FFFC stands for Flame Free Friday Confessions.  Every Friday, on almost every message board there is a post where you can confess something embarrassing or controversial without fear of being flamed (well, that's not entirely true, sometimes there is flaming, haha). 

Here's my FFFC for today.  Last week I got my hair cut...for the first time in 5 years.  Yep, you read that correctly.  I haven't even had a trim in 5 years.  Why not?  The last time I had it cut, it didn't go very well.  The hairdresser cut scary layers into my hair; some of the pieces at the back of my head were only a couple inches long.  It was just awful and I've avoided the hair salon like the plague ever since.

So why did I finally break down and get it cut?  My hair was so long (about half way down my back), it was taking about 15 minutes to brush out.  15 minutes are precious to me, especially when Carina won't sleep for more than 30 minutes at a time.  I would much rather spend that 15 minutes eating, napping, taking a dump, or doing something useful spending time on the internet.  Now with my new haircut, it takes just a minute or two.  Awesomeness.

So here it is.  My hair (or lack thereof), M, and a fussy baby.  Sorry it's such a tiny picture.

7 words of geekdom:

Jamie said...

Hi! This is JamieJensen710 from thebump! :o) I just got my hair cut too because it was driving me CRAZY! Short is the way to go - so much easier!!

Unknown said...

Did you post the wrong picture? I can't tell any difference in this pic, maybe because your hair is tied back? I'm sure it looks awesome, either way. :)

Melissa @ Growing Up Geeky said...

Sarah, where it looks like my hair stops in the picture, it actually stops. Part of it is tied back. Take a look at my more recent belly pics and you'll see how long it was!

Shannon said...

It looks SO good!!! I love it!!

Keagan said...

Stopping by from The Bump....the hair looks great and I am officially your newest follower.

Unknown said...

Aaah, got it!! That IS a lot shorter! Cute. :)

Sandy said...

I bet it will be really easy to blow dry and straighten now too!

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