How far along? 33 weeks...I am enormous
Weight gain/loss: 146 lbs, up 28 lbs. I think (or hope) that baby girl had another growth spurt this week.
Maternity clothes? Sadly, they are mostly too small.
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep? Is my best friend.
Best moment this week? We got our stroller, and it is AWESOME. We spent some time playing with it.
Food cravings: Chocolate
Gender: Girl
Belly button in or out? Still in, but all sorts of weird looking
Movement? The kicks and punches are definitely more like rolls and somersaults all the time now
What I miss? Being able to breathe easily
What I'm looking forward to: Thanksgiving and having a 4 day weekend. Can't wait to see my brother-in-law!
Milestones:I had my first contractions this week. It was a little scary at first because they were painful and accompanied by back pain, but after peeing, drinking water, and lying down they went away. Thank goodness!
Here's what baby looks like this week:
5 words of geekdom:
Wow! She's had to have had a growth spurt this week! haha! But you look great!
Hope you have a great week!
You are still perfectly on track with your weight gain, and I think you look awesome.
Here's to the long Thanksgiving weekend. Enjoy!!
I second the growth spurt comment although you still look fantastic!!!
Amen on being able to breath again!
you look so beautiful!! Baby Girl will be all ready for Thanksgiving :)
You look great!! I love that red sweater ;)
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