How far along? 20 weeks! I cannot believe I am half done!
Weight gain/loss: Still 128 lbs, up a total of 10 lbs.
Maternity clothes? All the time
Stretch marks? None yet.
Sleep? Uggh...it really varies. Some nights it's great, some nights I am so uncomfortable
Best moment this week? Feeling baby all the time now, it's amazing!
Food cravings: Frosted flakes cereal LOL
Gender: We'll hopefully find out tomorrow!!
Belly button in or out? In
Movement? Yes siree. Only from the inside, though.
What I miss? Wine. We were at a wedding Friday night and I almost had some...
What I'm looking forward to: Seeing baby at our big ultrasound tomorrow!
Milestones: Baby is half baked!
Here's what baby looks like this week:
4 words of geekdom:
That 10 lbs is alll baby related. You look so beautiful. I can't wait for tomorrow to hear all about Baby G's anatomy scan. :)
I love your half-baked bump! You look great. Kind of like you stuck a basketball under your shirt. :-)
I expect to be on the text message list as soon as you get out of the anatomy scan tomorrow! OXOXOX
You look fantastic!
You look awesome! Can't wait to see if you are pink or blue!
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