My pregnancy books say that headaches starting in the 2nd Trimester are normal, but I am a bit concerned. What I'm experiencing seems a bit excessive. The ladies on the board have recommended drinking some caffeine when I start feeling one coming on, which I will definitely try the next time it happens. I'm planning on mentioning them to my OB at my next appointment on Monday, too.
M's mom came to visit last week and we had such a great time! She insisted on cooking and cleaning for us; it was so nice to have a break. We went to Babies R Us and the Baby Depot in Burlington Coat Factory to look at baby things for the first time. I am so overwhelmed. There are a gazillion cribs, strollers, car seats, etc. Help? Please?
The last thing we did was buy some knitting supplies. I've been having this urge to make something for baby, and thought the most practical thing would be to learn knitting. She taught me the basics and I tried, but I guess it's safe to say I'm not a natural. I am about halfway through what I guess could be a washcloth:

I was going to attempt a blanket next, but I think I will take my time perfecting my "skills" first...
6 words of geekdom:
Sorry about the headaches. I've noticed a few lately, but nothing as bad as you describe.
I think your knitting looks great. I knit a little and am working on a "beginner" blanket. GL!
You're doing great. If you're frustrated with it though, I totally highly recommend crochet. I do both, but I think crocheting is easier.
I made this super cute cloak for my coworker's daughter -
And this little tank top for a friend's niece -
And sold these bibs on etsy -
Way fun to make stuff, and I always find that crochet is more of a "quick win."
Thanks MV!
And C, all of those are so adorable! Maybe you can teach me sometime when we're in town visiting the in-laws? :)
You bet. I should start trying to make MY baby something other than little green and gray hats... I think I want to wait for the 20 week scan though.
RE: knitting - bigger (thicker) needles = faster results. It looks like you're doing great though :)
Are you visiting a chiropractor? They can help a lot with all the aches and pains (and even headaches) of pregnancy. Mine has been a lifesaver!
Glad all is going well! If you need any help or have any questions about buying things for babies, let me know - I now have experience :)
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