How far along? 15 weeks
Weight gain/loss: 123, for a total of 5 lbs. gained...3 this week, wow!
Maternity clothes? Sometimes. Maternity jeans are a must, though!
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep? Naps are still my best friend.
Best moment this week? Going out on a date with M tonight.
Food cravings: Pizza Hut stuffed crust pizza
Gender: I had a dream baby is a girl
Belly button in or out? In
Movement? I have not felt any more flutters...I can't wait to get kicked :)
What I miss? Still wine. M had some Beaujolais at the Opera in the Park thing we went to and I wanted some :(
What I'm looking forward to: My next OB appointment on Monday.
Milestones: I've had some strangers looking at me this week; I think it's evident that I'm pregnant.
Here's what baby looks like this week:
6 words of geekdom:
Your bump looks so cute! Congrats!
It *is* becoming evident that you are indeed pregnant. You look amazing! Thanks for doing these weekly updates. :)
You look great - and your shirt is adorable.
Wow! You look amazing!!!
You look so cute! Love your bump!
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