Sunday, December 27, 2009


My post-ovulation temps this cycle have been so low I can't help but feel like I must have an underactive thyroid.  The majority of these temps are lower than my pre-ovulation temps from my first two cycles off birth control pills.  For the first few days I really wasn't sure that I had ovulated.  If it wasn't for the abrupt change in my cervical fluid and the +OPK I might still doubt it.

I am getting so down because of the really low temps and my borderline TSH result; I can't help it.  I know fixing my thyroid issue will be easy, I'm just hoping my doctor gets back to me soon, and that she agrees that I need to be treated.

We made the 5 hour trip from Philadelphia to Boston on Saturday morning, and had Christmas dinner all over again with my family.  We're staying for the whole week!  Yay for another week of vacation!  Seeing my fifteen month old nephew and Godson yesterday was so much fun; he is just so adorable.

I turn 26 on Sunday.  I had hoped to be pregnant before I turned 26.  I'm really not complaining though, I know I am still so young.

1 words of geekdom:

Unknown said...

I hope your doctor gets on board with you to get your thyroid treated asap if that's what's going on. I'm glad you have a positive attitude ("I know I'm young"), but I know it doesn't make it any easier when your TTC.

Happy Birthday, pretty lady.

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